Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Scenic Winter Holiday

We were away for almost half of December for winter holiday which the kids longed for. A very much needed break..after working hard for the whole year. The year end is alway a period that I looked forward to, maybe its the holiday season..telling us that its time to take a rest, have a break and be merry.
Being away for more than 10 days allows us ample time to visit a few provinces, I didn’t appreciate China when I was much younger, always thinking that its a place for old folks…maybe its the age. I really enjoy sipping tea at the little indie cafes along the small rivers and little bridges of Suzhou, enjoying the magnificent view of the giant Buddha and Lingshan Fangong in Wuxi and taking a leisure sail boat ride in Hangzhou’s Xi Hu (West Lake). Shanghai was very much like Singapore in every way…a busy city. The temperature was an average of 3-4 degree Celsius with a few days of -1 , the kids were hoping to see snow, but unfortunately it didn’t..much to their disappointment. Neverthless we totally enjoyed our stay there, and looking forward to another winter holiday soon ^-^!
Hoped that you’ve enjoyed your holidays too!

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